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The genus Perca includes three species of which only one , P. fluviatilis , is present in Italy . Its presence in the Po-Venetian is documented for centuries , but some authors doubt that is truly indigenous ( Sommani , 1967) . In recent times it has spread in the district of Tuscany and Lazio to the south and the islands . We find in the rest del'Europa where is widespread , with the exception of the Iberian Peninsula , much of the Balkan Peninsula , and some regions of northern Europe .


The perch is one of the most common species and most popular in the province. And 'present in all lakes and is actively sought after by sports fishermen and professional. It has always been a typical food of the people of the lake and a delicious dish of many local restaurants. While in Lario and Ceresio perch is in good health, in smaller lakes its populations in recent decades it has, for various reasons, significantly reduced. The increase of this kind is a clear objective of the Province, which each year makes environmental improvement measures precisely in order to favor the natural reproduction of perch. Recovering practices in the past among the professional fishermen, the Province built every year several dozen "sheds" (clusters of bundles of wood) and laying on the bottom of lakes. Lakes on the technique used is that of tirlindana, that troll boat. The professional fishermen use nets rather appropriate that they are called "perseghere" and which are placed in coastal areas near the aquatic vegetation.

Brown/Rainbow/ Lake Trout


The Brown/Rainbow/Lake trout are the ecotype of Salmo ( trutta ) trutta adapted to living in streams . It represents one of the three semispecie , with which the superspecies S. trutta is represented in Italy . The high polymorphism of the species has created two distinct ecotypes : the typical trout streams and lakes adapted to the waters of the lakes . The brown trout is indigenous probably just the Alps and the northern slopes of the Apennines , but was introduced in the rest of the country for more than a century . The species is in turn divided into two strains , of which only the " Mediterranean " would be native in Italy , while the ' " Atlantic " This is because of the massive repopulation uncontrolled made ​​against this species .


The Brown/Rainbow/Lake trout is par excellence the fish species of the streams of our province. The hydrographic network of running waters in the province of Como is characterized by torrents of alpine origin or pre-Alpine, a vocation purely salmonicola. In some realities it also has to do with populations, as well as well-structured and consistent, absolutely wild, that is the result of a natural reproduction which is carried out undisturbed for several years: this is the case of the stream Lambro, continuously monitored, where no make repopulation of breeding material with at least a decade. In many courses other waterways making annual restocking of brown trout with egg embryos (Vibert boxes) or juvenile few months of life. To meet the increasing need to make entries of high quality and with material from local sources, in early 2007, the Province has set up a modern hatchery fish, in the municipality of Valmorea, which is able to fully meet the requirements Provincial trout for restocking.



The shad ( A. fallax lacustris ) is the permanent form of shad ( A. fallax nilotica ) in the large pre-alpine lakes . The shad  became divided by the migratory form on the Mediterranean Sea ( cheppia ) when , during the ascent spring of rivers in search of spawning beds , he found a suitable site in the lake to its survival .


The shad are present , with very large populations , in Lake Como and Lake Lugano . It 's of great importance for professional  fishing. Once dried and pressed , the shad become the famous " missoltino " , which was once essential food in the diet of the people of the lake and is now appreciated on the tables of local restaurants .

Lake Como Sport Fish Species


Lake Como is home to a large variety of fish that are well protected from FIPSAS the Italian Federation of Sport Fishing, who have contributed to createing and repleneshing a great fishing enviroment. Here is a description of the main fishing species.



Esox lucius is the only species present in Italy of the five that make up the genre . Its native range is controversial . It is a native species for the district Po -Venetian , while its presence in the Tuscany-Lazio is due to human intervention .


The pike is present in all the lake water in our province as well as in Lambro sublacuale . In Lake Como and Ceresio population of pike it is significantly increased in recent years . This is due to the development of submerged aquatic plants in large areas of the coast , a phenomenon that is related with the increase in water transparency . Pike , as well as being a kind of great interest for sport fishing , it is a kind of major importance of wildlife and its conservation is pursued through periodic repopulation , made ​​with pieces of a few weeks old . In Lake Plan the species enjoys special protection : from 2007 pike fishing in this small lake basin should in fact be practiced with mandatory mode " catch and release " .



The systematic group of whitefish is very complex and still under study . When the whitefish , whitefish or for excellence , it is classified as " form hybrida " and considered fruit interspecific hybridization of two species of whitefish originally introduced in our country . Some authors do not approve of this approach and how to classify the whitefish Coregonus lavaretus . The whitefish is a non-native species and acclimatised , introduced for the first time in Italy in Lake Como , in 1885 , from specimens from Lake Constance ( Switzerland ) .


Nelle acque della nostra provincia il lavarello è presente solo nei laghi di Como e di Lugano, mentre è assente negli altri laghi minori. Nel lago di Lugano la specie ha subito una drastica riduzione per via dei fenomeni di eutrofizzazione che hanno interessato le acque di questo lago negli scorsi decenni. Il recente miglioramento idroqualitativo del Ceresio sembra offrire di nuovo le condizioni per la presenza della specie, come dimostrano le prime, significative, catture effettuate dai pescatori di professione. Nel lago di Como il lavarello è stato introdotto alla fine del IXX secolo allo scopo di incrementare il prodotto della pesca professionale. Obiettivo perfettamente cent rato perché la specie rappresenta tutt’ora una componente di fondamentale del pescato. L’estrema importanza che tale spec ie riveste nell’economia della pesca è a lla base della ristrutturazione dell’incubatoio di Fiumelatte (LC), che, a partire dal 2001 è stato riattivato con lo scopo preciso di produrre centinaia di migliaia di giovani lavarelli da immettere nel Lario. Recentemente lo sviluppo di nuove tecniche di pesca ha permesso la cattura dei coregoni anche ai pescatori dilettanti, attraverso l’utilizzo di minuscole esche artificiali.



The genus Leuciscus in our country is represented by two species : chub ( L. cephalus ) and roach ( L. souffia ) .


The chub is present in the Lario , in Lugano, in the lake of Pusiano , in Lake Segrino and Lambro sublacuale . During the breeding season goes up the final stretch of the main tributaries in search of waters suitable for spawning . In Lario and Ceresio in chub , although still quite widespread , is no longer as abundant as once . For this reason it has been recently raised the minimum size of catches of this species and was introduced a closed season for fishing , coinciding with the spawning

Walleye (Zander)


The genus is Stizostedion source Eurasian and includes five species of which three are in Europe and only one ( S. lucioperca) introduced in the inland waters of northern Italy and later in the central ones . Its appearance dates back at the beginning of the last century , and according to some authors was introduced for the first time in the lake Comabbio .


The pike-perch is present in some lacustrine environments in our province . Widespread for several years in Lake Lugano , in these waters has developed a very large population . Definitely more recently it appeared in the lake of Pusiano and Lake Piano , where there are significant populations numerically and where you begin to cattaurare also individuals of considerable size . In Lake Como zander it has so far settled effectively only the area in front of the city of Como and the extreme northern portion of the basin , near the mouths of the rivers Adda and Mera . Ascertained , although still numerically small , is the presence of the species in Lambro sublacuale and Lake Alserio . The zander is a species that is of considerable interest for sport fishing and professional . And ' it protected by the prohibition period and minimum size of catches only in Lugano, in the lake of Pusiano , in Lake Alserio and the first basin of Lake Como .



The burbot is the only freshwater species of the family Gadidae , composed of species , including cod , mostly marine . Some authors identify two subspecies , the validity of which is not yet sufficiently documented . This species populates the pre-alpine lakes deep and has also been reported in some of their tributary


The burbot is a unique species of deep lake environments and therefore is found only in Lake Como and Lake Lugano .



The family of Anguillidi includes a single genre , Anguilla , which are ascribed 16 species , of which only is the European eel Anguilla .


The eel populate Lake Como , and all the smaller lakes , its widespread in the river Lambro emissary, in Mera and in the channel of the river Adda . Its presence in our province depends on the repopulation carried out annually , performed to ensure the conservation of the species in an area historically colonized and which would otherwise be difficult to reach by natural means .

Black Bass


The genus Micropterus is present in Italy with the only species , M.salmoides . Native to North America , has made ​​its appearance in Europe in 1883 and its presence in Italy dates back to early last century , when it was introduced in two lakes Brianza ( Sommani , 1967) . Currently populate lakes , ponds and rivers of the plains in many places in the northern and central Italy ( Tortona , 1975) .


The species was historically found in the lakes of Montorfano , Alserio , Segrino , Pusiano , Medium and Ceresio . In Lake Como , the species appeared only recently and catches are quite casual . Although it is an exotic species , the largemouth bass is protected with minimum size of catches , the period of protection and , in some lakes ( Pusiano , Segrino , Montorfano ) with catch limits rather rigid . The species is of great interest for sport fishing , which is practiced with specific techniques , most of which are expected today for the immediate release of the capture




We specialize in creating memorable fishing trips, events and guided fishing holidays on Lake Como and Valtellina. Our team of professional fishing guides are dedicated to providing a first class service and show you the best that Lake Como and Valtellina has to offer. 

The Lake Como Fishing Experience


Depending on season and weather our  expert guides will prepare  the fishing equipment needed for that moment. We will  organize every thing you need including Licenses,  Equipment, Local Advice, Technique’s,  Photos and of Course Lunch. No matter  if you are a Pro or a Beginner our guides will advise  you and prepare accordingly. These fishing excursion trips are awesome for fishermen of all ages and skill.  Transport to fishing grounds not included but available on request.


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